Feedback : Webinar RWE Offshore Contest - 28 mars 2023
Five months after our event together at Chateau Bayart Éolien Offshore - Opportunités pour les entreprises wallonnes en mer du Nord, we propose you now a concrete industrial opportunity to get in Offshore projects with the major energy player from Germany : RWE.
RWE Offshore Development BENELUX launch an innovation competition within the domains of Ecology and System Integration. The innovation competition is launched in March 2023 and short proposals are to be sent before 17th April. Based on our good collaboration between FLUX50 (Flanders) and TWEED (Wallonia), we propose to our ecosystem this registred websession.
Find here below the PPT presented, the link to the video and the coordinates of RWE team in charge.
RWE Global Strategy with Belgian actors
Martine van Gemert, Offshore Consent & Environmental Manager, RWE
RWE Offshore Development BENELUX innovation competition
Daan Bosman, Project Developer Offshore Wind in the Benelux, RWE
See here the link to our innovation competition website: Innovation Competition (