Feedback HyPOP workshop on safety certification and permitting for hydrogen infrastructures


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The use of hydrogen as an energy vector is quite new and the different rules and regulations to install a new hydrogen infrastructure like a refueling station can be unclear. In addition, since hydrogen was mainly use for industrial purposes, the different rules could be too strict to develop the new hydrogen demands (for example, refueling stations are quite close to residential buildings).

That’s the reasons why one activity of the HyPOP project, a European project for which cluster TWEED is partner, is dedicated to highlight the barriers that the different European countries must deal with to install new hydrogen facilities. In addition, the purpose of this activity is to find the best practices to accelerate the acceptance of the permitting processes.

The final goal of this activity is to provide a guideline for the different European regions. Thanks to these guidelines, we will highlight the main differences and detect some good practices that could be transposed and harmonized to other regions.

To achieve this activity, each HyPOP partners (Italy, Ireland, Spain, Poland, Bulgaria and Belgium) are going to schedule one workshop with their stakeholders. The webinaire for Belgium was carried out the 24th of January.

Bellow you have the agenda, the summary, the recording, the presentations and the contacts of this webinaire.



9h30 à 11h Session 1 - Current state of permitting in Europe

  • HyPOP introduction and general framework activity -Mattia Miglietta, Envi Park
  • Main Results and Best Practices at EU levelfor safety and permitting of Hydrogen Industries -Mattia Miglietta, Envi Park
  • Q&A
  • Focus on neighboring countries/regions (Flanders, France, Germany and Netherlands) and Wallonia -Simon Habran, Cluster TWEED
  • Q&A

11h à 12h30 Session 2 - Finding the right guideline for new hydrogen facilities in Wallonia

  • Round table of the Stakeholders
    • Xavier Muschoot, Sertius - Company in environmental and safety services
    • Catherine Goormaghtigh, Colruyt Group - Food Store Chain
    • Sébastien Dubois, RESA - Gas and electricity distribution network
    • Patrick Hendrick, Université Libre de Bruxelles
  • Open Question, share of experience
  • Virtual Survey with the audience to validate or not the best practice
  • Q&A for the audience


Summary of the meeting

The first topic of the meeting was the presentation of the HyPOP Project, which aims to raise awareness and trust in hydrogen technologies, particularly for mobility and residential applications. One of the activities of this project is to better understand the safety regulations, permitting processes, and technical guidelines across different European countries. The goal is to highlight some barriers and find best practices to overcome these obstacles.

The first results of the HyPOP project were presented by the leader of the project, Mattia Miglietta from Envipark.

Then, cluster TWEED focused on the main results for Belgium and its neighboring countries. An overview of the guideline that already exist was presented for these countries.


After the presentations, the participants shared experiences and challenges in obtaining permits for hydrogen projects, emphasizing the need for clearer regulations and improved communication between stakeholders to facilitate the adoption of hydrogen technologies. Sertius also highlight the importance of considering water management and noise issues in the permitting process.

The following improvement was proposed:

  • Include insurance companies among the stakeholders. Indeed, they are often forgotten even though they are essential for the well development of the project. If the insurance company does not find the project secure, it will not insure the project.
  • Need for specific files and the best available technologies for hydrogen production.
  • Permitting process in Wallonia is more subjective and lacks concrete practices, while Flanders has a more objective and scientific approach. The stakeholders need a well-defined process for permitting hydrogen projects in the Walloon region.
  • Need for a change in the classifications in Wallonia for permitting procedures. For example, the Industrial Emission Directive (IED) should not be mandatory for hydrogen facilities (as it is the case in Flanders).
  • Improve the experiences and the involvement of the Industrial Risk Departments (department of the Walloon administration). Indeed, it could result in shorter delays and better evaluation of the projects.
  • Reduce the delays in obtaining permits in Wallonia. Today, the permitting process can take up to a year or more.
  • Develop a unified EU-level guideline for hydrogen technology permitting
  • Improve social acceptance and trust in the safety of hydrogen projects. This is even more important than include additional security measures.

And the following actions for next 6 months:

  • Organize a follow-up meeting
  • Share results from similar HyPOP meetings in other countries (Italy, Spain, Poland and Bulgaria).
  • Share contact information for potential firefighter training opportunities. 
  • Discuss with STIP (public buses in Brussel) for their experiences with hydrogen bus implementation. 
  • Proposition of a guideline for Wallonia.
  • Include the Industrial Risk Departments in the discussion.


Recording and presentations


General presentation


Presentation of the stakeholders 



Cluster TWEED:

Envi Park:




