[Appel à participation] The Belgian Hydrogen Council - Company directory : une brochure promouvant le potentiel de l'industrie belge de l'hydrogène
Désireux de promouvoir vos compétences, liens ou intérêts pour le secteur de l'hydrogène ?
Complétez un bref questionnaire avant le 12 septembre pour figurer dans une prochaine brochure visant à promouvoir le potentiel de l'industrie belge de l'hydrogène. Fruit de la collaboration du Cluster TWEED et de WaterstofNet, cette brochure prochaine sera présentée lors de notre prochain événement 'Joining forces on Hydrogen – Belgium, Benelux and its neighbours', en présence de divers ministres, le 16 octobre à Bruxelles.
Dear TWEED members,
As you all know WaterstofNet and Cluster TWEED established the Belgian Hydrogen Council to represent the Belgian hydrogen industry on national and international level.
The Council unites the Waterstof Industrie Cluster in Flanders and H2Hub in Wallonia and represents the entire Belgian hydrogen value chain.
One of the promotion tools will be ‘The Belgian Hydrogen Council : Company directory’, a brochure highlighting the potential of the Belgian hydrogen industry. We want to launch this company directory on the conference of October 16, where we will hand over the first copies to the different ministers present. We will also show each company of the directory on different screens at the Conference. Each member gets an A4 page to describe its activities and its link (interest) with hydrogen (and logo, contact details, website and max 3 pictures). Of course we want to end up with a complete directory ! It is obvious that it is an excellent chance for your company to promote your activities in Belgium and abroad.
In the attachment you find two examples of fictional companies (alfa and beta), one company that already has hydrogen related activities and one that has no specific hydrogen activities yet, but that is exploring what hydrogen can mean for its business. You can use this as guidelines.

What do we expect from you ?
- Please fill In this form before Tuesday September 12th (please discuss internally who will complete the form) : Hydrogen Company Directory form
- Please send Nathalie Licops (nathalie.licops@jobardent.be) your logo in high resolution (if you don’t have one, we can use the one used in members page) and 1, 2 or 3 pictures in high resolution (if above 10 MB via wetransfer)