Industrial Decarbonation & H2 - Meet BHC & EU public actors - 09 April 2024
Energy decarbonation and H2 experts are invited to the Industrial Decarbonisation & H2 meeting on the 9th April 2024 under the BE Presidency of the Council of the EU. Join and meet BHC & major public EU actors in Liège !
The dissemination of the Industrial Decarbonisation MLE (Mutual Learning Exercise) are held under the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, as both regional authorities of Flanders and Wallonia are participating in the MLE as representatives of Belgium. In Liège, Walloon innovation industrial actors as well as the Belgian Hydrogen Council will show the potential and expertise we have in Belgium.
15h30 : welcome BHC delegation
15h45 - Panel 1 : Industrial decarbonation - Moderated by Cédric Brüll • Director of Cluster TWEED
- Collaborative process to build a roadmap and an investment decision tool for SMEs aimed at decarbonizing industry in Wallonia - Wallonie Entreprendre • Frederic Erpicum, Intelligence économique, stratégique et territoriale
- Industrial decarbonation projects : HeCO2 projects (Member of the HeCO2 team)
- Moderated exchanges
16h30 - Panel 2 : Green H2 for decarbonation - Moderated by Marcos Escudero Olano • Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism, Spain
- Belgian Hydrogen Council - John Cockerill • Armand Gering, VP Reseach and Innovation
- Wallonia H2 strategy and H2Valley development - TWEED • Cédric Brüll, Director of Cluster TWEED and partner Green SKHy project & Catherine Archambeau, CRM Group Unit manager and e-WallonHY Coordinator
- Practical project from SME : Igane project & infra, MaterHyum project - BeBlue Cryotech • Marc Duquenne, CEO
- Moderated exchanges
17h45 - Drink B2B
18h30 - End
Practical informations
- Participation is free for TWEED Cluster & BHC members
- Registration is compulsory via this form >
(limited places)