Energy Encounters - éolien, PV, gaz | EnergyVille
Le changement climatique est le défi d'une génération. Afin de définir des objectifs et scénarii énergétiques pour la Belgique, EnergyVille, avec le soutien et la collaboration du cluster TWEED, organise une série de débats d'experts. Ces rencontres, labellisés 'Energy Encounters', constituent une véritable opportunité de prise de parole et d'expression d'opinions ; et seront organisées par thématique : éolien onshore / offshore, photovoltaïque, gaz. Inscrivez-vous dès à présent pour assister aux débats, et prendre part aux sessions Q&R qui y font suite !
Climate change is the challenge of a generation. The ambitions are being fine-tuned and the goals for the energy transition are becoming clearer. A few months ago, EnergyVille published a high profile study, exploring different energy scenarios for Belgium. Based on this study, we are now organising a series of expert debates. We'll bring together the different parties in the energy transition and work towards realistic solutions during straightforward conversations.
We've called these debates the Energy Encounters. This name was chosen purposefully: we want to create an opportunity for different players to come together and have an open discussion. In doing so, we hope to get a clear view of the potential and the challenges we're still facing.
The Energy Encounters will be organised as follows, each session planned from 13h to 15h30. The talks will be in English:
- 4 February: Onshore wind
- 9 February: PV
- 16 February: Offshore wind
- 4 March: Gas
- 31 March: Summarising debate
The thematic sessions will each be opened with a statement from Minister of Energy Tinne Van der Straeten. The Minister will attend the summarising debate in person and take part in the conversation.
Later this year, Energy Encounters on renovation, electric vehicles and industrial decarbonisation will follow.
We gladly invite you to follow the debates via our livestream, where you can ask your questions to our expert panel. Use the button below to register for the Energy Encounters.
We hope you'll take part in our conversation.
Thank you for being part of the energy solution!
With the support of