Building the EU hydrogen value chain, with Belgium at its heart - Annual conference of the Belgian Hydrogen Council

- Ajouter au calendrier 2024-10-24 08:30:00 2024-10-24 17:30:00 Title Description Location test admin@wampserver.invalid Europe/Brussels public


BHC Conference


Le cluster TWEED et WaterstofNet vous invitent à notre deuxième conférence du Belgian Hydrogen Council (BHC). 

Cette conférence portera sur le développement de la Belgique sur la chaine de valeur de l'hydrogène et les liens à tisser avec nos pays voisins et les pays internationaux.


Opening : Belgium in the EU H2 value chain : status & challenges

09 :30

  • Introduction by Program Office Belgian Hydrogen Council:
    Isabel François, WaterstofNet and Cédric Brüll, Cluster Tweed

  • Opening by the President of the Belgian Hydrogen Council:
    Tom Hautekiet, Port of Antwerp-Bruges

Session 1 : Production of H2 : local or import


  • Local green production in BE: Stephan Windels, ViryaH2

  • Low carbon hydrogen production: Bob Van Schoor, Engie

  • Production in Oman: Jean-Baptiste De Cuyper, Deme

  • Production in Morocco: Chris Prengels, Netzeroworx

  • Production & import from Canada: Paul Maclean, Bearhead Energy


Coffee break

Session 2 : Off take and market creation: opportunities and challenges


  • Market creation ammonia: Vibeke Rasmussen (tbc) , Yara

  • BE off taker refinery : Tom Claerbout, TotalEnergies

  • Roadmap for hydrogen in mobility applications: Speaker tbd




Session 3 : How to organise H2 transportation and storage?


  • BE H2 Backbone roll-out: Leen Vanhamme, Fluxys Hydrogen

  • Ammonia transport & cracking: Felix Cock, Air Liquide

  • Ammonia as a carrier to feed H2 applications in EU: Miquel Lope, Air Products

  • Import & storage in the port of Antwerp: Maxime Peeters, Vopak


Coffee break

Session 4: Manufacturing capacity is being build


  • Membranes for alkaline electrolysers: Vincent Wille, Agfa

  • PTL for PEM electrolysers: Edouard d’Autume, Bekaert

  • Electrolysers alkaline: Stéphane Putzeys, John Cockerill

  • Electrolysers PEM: Denis Thomas, Accelera by Cummins

  • BE Research to support our industry: Marijke Mahieu, UGent

Session 5: H2 enablers: financing


  • Role of H2 global: National level: Tim Bollerhey, HINT.CO

  • Role of Hydrogen bank & EIB: European level: Ronald Schultze, EIB

Closing: Next steps in BE


  • Closure by representative of federal or regional government

  • Networking reception

Moderation by Francesca Vanthielen


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Belgian hydrogen council gold and silver sponsors