
Our online presence
Cluster H2O The H2O Cluster is a network of Walloon players in the water sector. It is made up of companies, public authorities, education and research players. The Cluster's objectives are to accelerate growth and innovation within the sector through partnerships and support for project development, both in Wallonia and internationally. |
Portal ReWaN [Renewables Energies and Water Networks] An interactive directory of more than 500 private and public organisations, this portal currently brings together all the players in the renewable energy and energy efficiency sector in Wallonia and Brussels. The portal will be completely overhauled in 2023, and will include players from the water sector. As well as allowing our mapping work to be displayed, this portal aims to promote the sector in general, to a wider audience than that linked to the Cluster sites, as well as increasing visibility for members. |
Belgian Hydrogen Council The TWEED and WaterstofNet clusters join forces within the Belgian Hydrogen Council! The Belgian Hydrogen Council represents the Belgian hydrogen industry at home and abroad. In Belgium, interest in hydrogen is strong at various political levels; the different regions and the federal government have their own hydrogen strategies. With the Waterstof Industrie cluster and the TWEED cluster, we have two industrial ecosystems supported by Flanders and Wallonia respectively. |
MaCER Discover the website dedicated to Renewable Energy Communities! The pillars, objectives and steps involved in setting up a community are described in detail, while a blog encourages the sharing of knowledge and experience. |
Ma conso sous la loupe Take a look at the website, managed by the TWEED Cluster, and discover the advantages and how smart meters work! Better still, compare and examine energy management systems. Individuals ? Installers? Developers? Maconsosouslaloupe targets all players, presenting both general and technical information, and aims to facilitate the deployment of smart meters. |
Collaborative platform [cluster intranet]
B•Wallonia The B-Wallonia collaborative platform is open to all members and partners of the TWEED Cluster and the H2O Cluster in order to optimise the sharing and dissemination of high added-value information and maximise interaction. Information and opportunities linked to the H2Hub Wallonia ecosystem for hydrogen, the CERACLE ecosystem for Renewable Energy Communities, and the H2O Cluster for water are included. A summary email of recent articles is sent out every Monday morning, to which you can react by adding your own publications and suggestions, typically in the context of calls for projects. |
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