The Board
The TWEED Cluster is composed of an Operational cell as well as a Board of Directors of companies with a global view of the development of "energy and sustainable environment" projects.
The Board :
- Didier Leboutte (John Cockerill) • Présidence
- Thibaut Pairon (Equans)
- Pauline Dijon (Besix)
- Frederik Lefevre (ORES)
- Nicolas Loix (Micromega Dynamics)
- Marc Gillet (Enersol)
- Gaëtan Durvaux (Deplasse)
- Eric VAN Sevenant (SPGE/SWDE)
- Philippe Boury (SWDE)
- Marc Lepiece (WeSmart)
- Grégory Herman (Hydroscan)
- Olivier Bouchat (WE)
- Bruno Vandezande (Agoria)
The Governing body of the Cluster is the General Assembly (GA) which is composed of the effective and adherent members of the Cluster.