WaterstofNet and Cluster Tweed join forces to establish a Belgian Hydrogen Council


To facilitate cooperation as much as possible, WaterstofNet and Cluster Tweed (via H2Hub Wallonia) will work together intensively under the flag of a 'Belgian Hydrogen Council', which comprises the (Belgian) members of both clusters. This Belgian Hydrogen Council will advise the various authorities on specific themes in which cooperation is necessary. In addition to the companies that are part of the Council through the two cluster organizations, experts from the academic world and sector federations will also be involved in its functioning.

Opportunité - Appel d'offres EMR H2 Booster - consultance Roadmap HYDROGENE


Dans le cadre d'un Projet INTERREG EUREGIO Meuse-Rhine UE dans lequel le Cluster TWEED est partenaire, nous avons le plaisir de vous communiquer l'appel d'offres pour la réalisation d'une étude roadmap EMR H2, en sous-traitance de TWEED.

Within the framework of an INTERREG EUREGIO Meuse-Rhine EU Project in which the TWEED Cluster is a partner, we are pleased to inform you of the call for tenders for the realisation of an EMR H2 roadmap study, subcontracted by TWEED.