A.C.I.T designs thermal systems using electrical energy and offers electrical heating solutions, including photovoltaic self-consumption and electrical power management. With 50 years' experience at ACEC, it combines the expertise and dynamism of an SME.

7070 Le Rœulx

Aero-Thermo-Mechanics Department - ULB

Research activities of Aero-Thermo-Mechanics Department cover a wide range of fluid mechanics applications including lubrication for aero-engines and machine tools, CFD, UAV’s, renewable energy, heat exchangers, helicopters, space propulsion, N2/O2 separation, micro climate, etc.

1000 Bruxelles


The Federation brings together and defends the interests of companies in the technology industry through business development initiatives centred on markets, products and technologies, both nationally and internationally.

1030 Schaerbeek


AGT is a reference company in the field of groundwater engineering, operating at the interface between science and implementation techniques, while striving for social added value.

2550 Kontich


Integrator of consultancy, services, design and development of software products with very high technical and strategic value in the field of subsoil recovery and groundwater management for energy, industrial and environmental applications.

4031 Seraing