
At TWEED Cluster, we work on the energy transition priorities within 6 major Ecosystems.

To benefit the latest updates of these different ecosystems, TWEED Cluster invite you to join our collaborative platform and you will have access to :

  • Cartography : value chain, roadmap, ...
  • Projects : follow-up existing projects, call for proposal, investment
  • Opportunity on an international level
  • technology-innovation-market watch
  • Networking meeting (information sessions, working groups, B2B sessions, seminars, webinars or mission abroad)

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Energy Community in full development in Brussels and Wallonia, a major lever for the release of new renewable capacities and their better valorization on our networks. A website has been developed by TWEED to allow everyone to keep abreast of the latest developments: CERACLE is the platform created with the MecaTech Cluster which hosts the twenty or so research projects in synergy on this subject.

  H2Hub Wallonia

Hydrogen is playing an increasingly crucial role in the global energy transition on which Europe, Belgium and Wallonia are betting for the next few years, allowing a molecular storage which has other advantages over conventional electro-chemical technologies. After having conducted various strategic studies for the Region (hydrogen roadmap) TWEED is now leading a club within the Cluster dedicated to hydrogen, the H2Hub Wallonia, part of which is also present on the  B-wallonia platform. 

  Mobility Mobility, is a major challenge of the energy transition and directly linked to the previous ecosystems, for which the members of the TWEED Cluster are also the actors at the initiative of solutions that will allow a better integration of electric vehicles and decarbonized mobility.
  Storage Storage, is an essential element of the previous ecosystems, is the center of the new sustainable energy networks, in all their forms, and will allow us to effectively conduct a policy of resilience and energy independence.
  Heat Networks Heat Networks, is an important vector of the heating of our buildings. TWEED is also integrated in the S3 Walloon strategy, in co-leadership of the DIS Building and Sustainable Energy. The links between renewable energy and buildings will be reinforced in the coming years.
  H2O Water is a key player in the energy transition. To allow synergies in terms of subjects TWEED Cluster has launched H2O Cluster since 2022 to join, in Wallonia, both Energy @ Water key sectors linked in terms of technological challenges, efficiency, sustainability, international - with sector coupling, system integration, digitalization and networking.