

Newsletter H2O



Every month, the Cluster H2O newsletter condenses :

  • key industry news (legal & technological watch)
  • not-to-be-missed events (visits, working groups, matchmaking, etc.)
  • feedback on past events (presentations, reports, videos)
  • spotlight on members (projects & skills)
  • calls for projects (regional & European)
  • ...

The Cluster H2O newsletter is exclusively reserved for members.

To subscribe to the newsletter, simply complete this form >


cluster H2o

Newsletter de Circular Water Wallonia

The H2O Cluster coordinates the water value chain of the Circular Wallonia strategy: de

To keep abreast of news and activities specific to this value chain, subscribe to the mailing list via this form >.

This newsletter is open to all, whether or not you are a Cluster member.



The newsletter linked to the ReWaN [Renewable Energy & Water Network] portal, an initiative of the Walloon water and energy clusters, enables you to receive news from the renewable energy and sustainable water sectors. It also informs you of events organized by the H2O Cluster.

NB: the ReWaN portal newsletter is open to everyone.

To subscribe to the ReWaN newsletter, simply complete this form.


BelgaPress brings together the content of all the Belgian press brands and provides immediate access to paid-for publications. We will analyse these and provide you with a newsletter condensing the most recent and interesting news!

NB: Maximum 2 free persons per member.
