LIST technical day : MicrobialSensors4Water

- Ajouter au calendrier 2023-12-06 09:30:00 2023-12-06 16:00:00 Title Description Location H2O Europe/Brussels public


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LIST is delighted to invite you to the MicrobialSensors4Water technical day, a collaborative event aimed at bringing together academics, utilities and private companies in Europe on December 6th, 2023 in LIST premises. This technical day is a unique opportunity for sharing knowledge, presenting the latest developments and applications, but also discussing the challenges and perspectives of automated microbial water quality monitoring. 

Through engaging presentations and interactive discussions, this event will cover the latest advancements in automated monitoring of microbial water quality for a wide range of topics by addressing:

  • Monitoring of surface water and groundwater supplies, drinking water treatment, and drinking water distribution;
  • Different technologies (flow cytometry, enzymatics, ATPmetry, etc.) including technology comparison studies;
  • Current implementation challenges related to analytical aspects, data handling and interpretation as well as institutional/regulatory barriers.

To secure your participation, please visit the LIST website and complete the online registration form. Due to limited availability, early registration is recommended.