Appel à projets "Clean Energy Transition" : Le SPW énergie et le SPW recherche s'associent




Le 1er appel conjoint CETPartnership sera lancé le 14/09, structuré en 2 étapes autour de 7 TRI (transition initiatives) en lien avec les challenges énergétiques suivis par le Cluster. La Wallonie co-finance 900.000 € dans cet appel, encadré par le SPW EER (Recherche) et le SPW TLPE (Energie Durable). La deadline pour les pré-propositions est le 23/11/22.






Les TRI sont les suivants, que l'on retrouve dans les thématiques des portefeuilles IIS de la DIS4

  • TRI 1: Integrated Net-zero-emissions Energy System; PowerPlanningTools
  • TRI 1: Integrated Net-zero-emissions Energy System; RESDemoPowerflex
  • TRI 2: Enhanced zero emission Power Technologies;  Advancing RE technologies for power production through cost reduction
  • TRI 2: Enhanced zero emission Power Technologies; Breakthrough R&D to increase RE power technologies efficiency
  • TRI 3: Enabling Climate Neutrality with Storage Technologies, Renewable Fuels and CCU/CCS; Enabling Climate Neutrality with hydrogen and renewable fuels
  • TRI 3: Enabling Climate Neutrality with Storage Technologies, Renewable Fuels and CCU/CCS; Enabling Climate Neutrality with Storage Technologies, Renewable Fuels and CCU/CCS
  • TRI 4: Efficient zero emission Heating and Cooling Solutions; Heating & Cooling
  • TRI 5: Integrated Regional Energy Systems; Integrated Regional Energy Systems for a Resilient, Secure, and Renewable Energy Supply
  • TRI 6: Integrated Industrial Energy Systems; Industrial energy systems
  • TRI 7: Integration in the Built Environment; R&I in clean energy integration in the built environment
  • TRI 7: Integration in the Built Environment; Solutions to energy transition in the built environment


Calendrier de l'appel

CETPartnership Joint Call 2022 Infoday 1 (online)

13 September 2022

Joint Call 2022 opens for pre-proposal submission

14 September 2022

CETPartnership Joint Call Infoday 2 (online)

October 2022

Deadline for submitting pre-proposals

23 November 2022, 14:00 CET

Communication to applications selected for full-proposal stage

January 2023

Deadline for submitting full proposals

20 March 2023, 14:00 CET

Projects selected for funding

June 2023

Tentative start of funded projects

September 2023

Webinaire de présentation du 13/09/22

Des infos sur la structure thématique, les règles de l'appel, comment postuler et de nombreux autres détails de l'appel seront partagés lors de l'événement Online. Sont également prévus des possibilités de réseautage virtuel et de B2B.

le programme est le suivant : 


CETPartnership Joint Call 2022 Infoday (online) - Preliminary Agenda

10:00 - 10:15


10:15 –10:45

Introduction & Overview of the CETPartnership


TRI 1 Integrated Net-zero-emissions Energy System Call Modules

10:45 - 10:55

Call Module 1.1: RESDemoPowerflex

10:55 - 11:05

Call Module 1.2: PowerPlanningTools


TRI 5 Integrated Regional Energy Systems Call Module

11:05 - 11:15

Call Module 5: Integrated Regional Energy Systems for a Resilient, Secure, and Renewable Energy Supply


TRI 2: Enhanced zero emission Power Technologies

11:15 - 11:25

Call Module 2.1: Advancing RE technologies for power production through cost reduction

11:25 - 11:35

Call Module 2.2: Breakthrough R&D to increase RE power technologies efficiency


TRI 7: Integration in the Built Environment

11:35 - 11:45

Call Module 7.1: R&I in clean energy integration in the built environment

11:45 - 11:55

Call Module 7.2: Solutions to energy transition in the built environment

11:55 - 12:10

Coffee break


TRI 4: Efficient zero emission Heating and Cooling Solutions

12:00 - 12:20

Call Module 4: Heating & Cooling


TRI 3: Enabling Climate Neutrality with Storage Technologies, Renewable Fuels and CCU/CCS

12:20 - 12:30

Call Module 3.2: Hydrogen and renewable fuels

12:30 - 12:40

Call Module 3.1: CCU/CCS technologies


TRI 6: Integrated Industrial Energy Systems

12:40 - 12:50

Call Module 6: Industrial energy systems

12:50 - 13:30

Lunch Break

13:30 - 14:30

General Aspects of CETPartnership Joint Call 2022: Call timeline, rules, how to apply

14:30 - 15:00

Questions and Answers about the Call prodecure

15:00 - 15:10

TRIs Q&A Breakout Sesssions and Matchmaking: Introduction and instructions

15:10 - 15:20

Coffe break


Breakout sessions and matchmaking

Session 1    15:20 - 16:00


Session 2    16:00 - 16:45


16:45 –17:00

Wrap up and closing remarks

N'hésitez pas à vous inscrire via ce lien.

Pour aller plus loin

- Contacts : 

  • SPW Recherche : Marie Suleau - Earth Science Researcher | Research & Innovation |Climate empowerment | Carbon balance -  
  • SPW Energie Durable : Gilles Tihon - Expert en Recherche et Innovation | Energie & Industrie | Gestionnaire d'appels à projets européens et wallons - 
  • NCP Wallonie : Jean-Jacques Lemaire - Conseiller  | Energie, transport et matière première -

- Le site web de l'appel 

- Le site de la S3 wallonne, regroupement d'acteurs wallons autours des 5 axes stratégiques de la Wallonie