Entreprise du Sport et Francophonie : Réseau, Influence et Langue Française
Entreprise du Sport et Francophonie: Networking, Influence and the French Language
Last week, we were honored to be invited by
* Daniel Zelinski, Délégué Ministériel à la Francophonie auprès du Ministère des sports et des Jeux Olympiques et Paralympiques, Haut fonctionnaire à la langue française pour le sport, and
* Bruno Lalande, Vice-President of Sport Business & President of Women Sports Francophonie
to take part in the "Entreprises Francophones Sport & Business" round table at a Paris event dedicated to sport in the French-speaking world.
As Fabrice Michel-Villaz, Director of Commercial Policy at Allianz, who also took part in the round table, so aptly put it, "Sport is a powerful vector for integration and socialization, so it's essential to deploy means to promote and enhance our French language in sport."
During this meeting, we were able to share our experience and hear the needs and assets of several players from the institutional, academic and private sectors, as well as, of course, top athletes.
Just a few months away from the Paris 2024 Olympic Games and in the longer term, it's vital to restore French to its rightful place in sporting and entrepreneurial contexts.
Finally, thank you to Wallonie-Bruxelles International for putting us in touch and for the logistical support!