ALCYON Belux Logo Image Alcyon Belux is an ASSOCIATION of veterinarians, created by vets and 100% owned by vets. 4530 Villers-le-Bouillet
ASD Horses Logo Image Anne-Sophie Delges Horses is an equine and canine Equiphysio- and FEI certified physiotherapist 6690 Vielsalm
BiopTis Logo Image BiopTis is a Spin-off from the University of Liège and aims at improving equestrian health and performance. 6690 Vielsalm
Centre Européen du cheval de Mont-le-Soie Logo Image The European Equestrian Center of Mont-le-Soie is linked to the Walloon Region Government. All of its goals and missions aim at promoting equestrian breeding in general, and in the Walloon Region more specifically. 6690 Vielsalm
Equi-lift by Aeravet Logo Image We decided to use inflatable devices to help people who are used to work with horses, notably when vets / horse owners meet some critical situations. 4300 Waremme
Equidogphysio Logo Image Mercedes - Equidogphysio is a certified, FEI-accredited equine and canine physiotherapist. 1410 Waterloo